Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Issue 46 - Designed by Lovisa Burfitt

If there ever was a perfect t-post designer, it would be Lovisa Burfitt. For over a decade, she’s been doing the kind of ”limited edition illustrated t-shirts” so common in fashion today. Lovisa started her career in Stockholm over ten years ago, but in 2002 she relocated to Paris where she’s now running her own fashion label as well as working as an illustrator for a number of prestigious clients. Her illustration style in general and graphic t-shirts in particular have inspired a whole generation of up-and-coming illustrators and designers (as well as a few copycats along the way…).
Image from and copy from T-post neckprint by A.W.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Concerning the latest issue

Just to clarify the print on the latest issue. The copy is mirrored and printed on the inside of the shirt to create a vintage look from the outside. And to pick up the vintage feeling of cassette tapes. So no, your not suppose to wear it inside out. We're sorry if it was a bit confusing since the issue is delivered inside out.
/T-post team
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Chad!

Just wanted to tell you guys that we now got a new member of the T-post family. And his name is Chad Rea. I've been searching for years to find the right person to help introduce T-post to the U.S. market. And when I found him, it was in the most obvious of places. Amongst our subscribers. Chad has the perfect background and experience to help bring T-post to the next level.
Welcome Chad!
Image from his private stash.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Issue 46 in the Making
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A Word From Our Subscribers

Thanks for the email. I'm not sure why the credit issue has happened, but I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for providing me with a great service for the past 1.5 - 2 years (not sure how long its been!). T-post has always sent me really cool shirts that have always been a topic of conversation when i've worn them, which have then enabled me to discuss the import topics depicted in the shirts. You have a really great and exciting product.
Having said that, I would like to cancel my subscription - and my reasons are 2-fold. I will share them with you in case you are interested in the feedback.
The first reason is simply that I can't really afford it anymore, due to the exchange rates and foreign transaction fees the t-shirts are costing me more than double what I can buy one for locally - and for a while that was OK, but times are a bit tough for me personally so I have to pull back on my spending a bit, and this seems like a natural place to start.
Secondly, I have to admit that I have been a bit disappointed with a few of the recent designs (the green shirt, and the clown) - with emphasis on the most recent - the noose. I was actually offended by it, I feel that in this country it has very real racial connotations and I would never feel good wearing it in public. Regardless of the artists intention it just wasn't tasteful in my eyes.
That's all, and I understand everyone has personal tastes and I'm sure there is someone that complains about every shirt - and I don't want to complain, its just that combined with my financial situation its not gonna work out for me for now - so please cancel my subscription.
As for ideas for the future - I always thought that it might be cool if each designer came up with 2 or 3 ideas and than the subscribers got to either vote for the one they liked - with the winner being printed - or just select 1 from the possibly choices. That way a designer can still be given his or her inspiration and then people that wear the shirts can still have some say in what they receive - just an idea!
Good luck!
Please let me know if there is anything else I have to do to cancel my subscription.
Thanks for the good t's
Matthew J Braley
Friday, May 15, 2009
T-post in The Wall Street Journal!

I have finally found the reason I need to start dressing up like Charlie Cheen in Wall Street. Read the whole article online or in the paper version of The Wall Street Journal.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Where the Wild Things Are

With fear and delight I've been following the progress of one of the most interesting projects since The Lord of the Rings. My all time favorite children's book Where the Wild Things Are is going to be a motion picture, directed by non other than Spike Jonze.
On paper this looks f**king awesome! But since the stakes is to possibly ruin the best children's book ever written. The stakes might be too high.
So I'll put the call to Spike on hold for a while, on the matter of doing an issue for T-post, until he's proved that he can do it justice. Meanwhile why not go to the source, and give Maurice Sandak a call..
Image from
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009

We've had some initial problems with American Apparel not delivering the T-shirts on time. But now everything is back on track and all issues are on its way to you as we speak. So you can start checking your mailbox by the end of this week.
Sorry about the delay. But I think it'll be worth the wait. ;-)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Artist T-Shirts From Around the World

A great place to get to know new artists and find strange stuff is Try it out, you wont be disappointed.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Fabulous Esra!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
It's a Swedish Thing!

Volvo just released there Magazine LIV. It's distributed to all Volvo owners in the world (1,5 million in 75 countries). In every issue they have a section called "It's a Swedish Thing!" where they highlight something interesting from Sweden. This issue they've highlighted T-post. I might just have to get a Volvo now..
Friday, April 24, 2009
Test Print
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Shout About the Things You Love!

This is one of the nicest ideas I've seen in a long time, It's designed to allows you to root for products you think deserve to succeed.
Image from
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Issue 45 in the Making
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Good Ideas Really DOES Grow on Trees!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
T-post as a Gift!

There's been a lot of people wanting to by T-post as a gift for a friend. We're working on a new and easier way to do that. But in the meantime here's what you do.
You sign up on our web page under your friends name and size using your credit card. After you've done so you e-mail us at telling us how many issues you want him or her to receive. After that we'll take care of everything.
Easy as pie!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I just found a new place on the map that I never knew existed. It's a place called Macau! It lies on the western side of the Pearl River Delta. If that tells anybody anything? It's one of the richest places om earth and they have a population of about a half a million people. And we have one of them in our T-post family. That's so cool! I'm going, there's all it is to it!
Picture from
Jeremyville, Solo Show in Milan!

One of our favorite designers (issue 27) Jeremyville just opened a solo show in Milan. If you have the chance go see it. The show Opens April 7th, 630pm at Area B Gallery, Milan, Italy.
Image from
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
David Foldvari is a Genius!

Here's our latest issue (no 44), Death Penalty Economy Measure. Designed by David Foldvari. It's amazing in it's simplicity. Thanks David for a job well done!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tending to the Next Generation
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Ideas too Good to Waste!

One of or writers, Chad Rea has a really cool project called Ecopop - Ideas too good to waste. It's a free space for idea exchange. It promotes brand innovations and business opportunities with global responsibility. Ecopop encourages and inspires consumers and businesses to change their ways for the better. It's a fantastic project that you can't afford to miss.
Image from
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No one likes advertising yet everyone pays for it in the purchase price of a product. Not with T-post. We began as an underground phenomenon amongst friends and we have grown honestly and organically. We’d like to keep it that way.
We don’t create advertising. We create dialogue. We listen. We don’t believe in corporations telling people what to believe. Instead, we only believe in our family of subscribers. Our fans do the only kind of advertising we like: word-of-mouth.
If you’re a subscriber or a dedicated fan, thanks for spreading the good word about T-post and helping us become what we are!
Monday, March 30, 2009
New Book by Ian Stevenson

The fabulous Ian Stevenson, the designer of T-post Issue 31, just dropped a new book with a collection of all his work to date. If you haven't already, buy it for gods sake!
Image from
Saturday, March 28, 2009
On the Cover of Creative Review!

The designer behind T-post Issue 41, Letman just did the cover of CR. Good Work Buddy!
Image from the Creative Review blog.

It's now proved beyond all reasonable doubt that you don't need Googles billions or NASAs resources to concur space. Just rent the first four seasons of MacGyver and your home free.
Some teenagers with a £56 camera and a latex balloon have managed to take stunning pictures from 20 miles above Earth. Check out the whole story on
Image from the
Way to go Nick!

Just want to take a moment and salute one of our former designers (Issue #25), Nick Philip on Imaginary Foundation. His innovation is astonishing. Here's one of his most resent creations. Check out more on .
Image from the
Thursday, March 19, 2009
All Bachelors - Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

We've come to know that T-post is especially suitable for bachelors. At least according to Esquire. Check out the whole guide on
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Peek of What the Future Will Bring

Just to be clear, this is not this months design. But it's made by David Foldvari who's one of our favorite illustrators. We're thrilled to have gotten the chance to work with him for our issue #44. Just visit his site and you'll see that this months issue will be something extraordinary! As we always think ;-)
Image from
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Can You Impress a Three Year Old?

Yesterday I took a trip to the ice rink together with my 3 year old son, Arvid. It was his first time on a pair of skates, and he was super exited to try it out. Well on the ice it felt by some strange reason like it was my first time two. It must have been almost 15 years since I tried this out the last time. I was certain that my skates was busted somehow. They must have been? I couldn't have gotten this bad? I use to be a hockey player for gods sake! Isn't skating suppose to be like riding a bike?
After a few minutes I started to get the hang of it, at least that was what I thought.. After about 30 minutes of showing off all my best moves, Arvid called me over and whispered in my ear pointing at another dad skating besides us. - Daddy, THAT'S an expert!
Image by Knotan.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Dan Truly Has Potential

Just want to take a moment and shred some sunshine over our latest artist that's been so kind and helped us with our latest Issue "The New Explorer".
Daniel Brereton is a young British gentleman who likes to draw and make films. Sometimes he combines the two. His idea of a lost Eden includes a pyramid gateway, sphinxes, a jungle river, palm trees and crocodiles.
Check out more of his work at and
Image by Knotan.
Monday, March 2, 2009
What the F**k is T-post?
The waiting is soon to be over folks. We've finally started the pre-production of a short animated film about T-post. An instruction manual if you will. It's going to be a mash up between a whole lot of different graphic styles. So for all you out there that haven't yet grasped our service, your time will come sooner than you think.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
India is on the Move

Frankly I couldn't be happier right now. It was Oscar grand slam for last years best film, "Slumdog Millionaire". They where nominated for 10 Oscars and got 8! If you haven't seen it already, cancel your yoga session and go, go, go!
As if that wasn't enough, today we got our first Indian subscriber. Way to go India!
T-post Web 2.3

We're now getting to the final stage of putting all the features together for the new site. And one of my favorite features are the "T-post map". Which is going to show how all T-posters are spread around the world. And no, we're not going to giveaway where your house is, or where you shop your favorite muffin.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Issue #44 in the Making

We just decided the story for issue #44. And it's a good one! But this is not it: "Pill to Erase Bad Memories". This is one of those not chosen for this issue. The story is really interesting, we think, and a good conversation starter. But we feel that it's a bit technical and "another-scientist-has-discoveredisch". And we've had our fare share of those already. To read the whole peace check out Dailymail.
Image from
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Knotan On Tour

Our fantastic photographer Knotan had an exhibition in St Petersburg in October 2008. Check out the whole clipp.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I was going through my closet today and found a long lost all-time favourite of mine. I found the third issue ever released - "Swedish Police Tests Stungun" and the first one spreading outside the office. It was printed in 45 issues and was the first step towards making T-post in to what it is to day. I really should dig through my closet more often!
Image by Knotan.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
This is Not The Story!

"Man Takes 26 Years To Solve Rubik’s Cube" is one of the news stories that we didn't choose for Issue #43. We thought it would be nice to honor his determination which is seldom seen these days. But we saw a great risk in doing so since it would easily just come off as we just wanting to make fun of him. So we dropped that story for an even better one. So keep checking your mailbox..
Check out the whole story about how he finally solved the Rubik’s Cube on Metro.
T-shirt With Hidden Powers
I just got the best feedback a T-shirt maker could ever get. Here's a letter from one of our subscribers telling us all about his adventure with one of our issues. So just kick back, put your feet up and enjoy. We did!
I have been an subscriber since June 2006 and i have always gotten great feedback from friends on theses t-shirt, but nothing come close to this.
In the end of this summer i met a girl at a party, didn't speak much there, but later that evening we ended up outside her house to send of peoples in a cab.
So there we stood outside her house alone, not close to knowing each other it was an awkward silence hanging in the air.
I asked if i could come in for a glass of water, her eyes scanned me with a doubtful look and after a few seconds she said ok.
Later i found out that she came to the resolution that someone with a mumin shirt couldn't be dangerous.
One could say that the t-shirt actually got me laid!
I have been an subscriber since June 2006 and i have always gotten great feedback from friends on theses t-shirt, but nothing come close to this.
In the end of this summer i met a girl at a party, didn't speak much there, but later that evening we ended up outside her house to send of peoples in a cab.
So there we stood outside her house alone, not close to knowing each other it was an awkward silence hanging in the air.
I asked if i could come in for a glass of water, her eyes scanned me with a doubtful look and after a few seconds she said ok.
Later i found out that she came to the resolution that someone with a mumin shirt couldn't be dangerous.
One could say that the t-shirt actually got me laid!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Printing It The Good Way
Friday, February 13, 2009
Be Careful Out There!

"But really, how many friends would you be able to keep if you launched into a comprehensive explanation of just what the cryptic, weird-looking face on your shirt meant?" A fair question, asked by Emily Bobrow on More Intelligent Life.
Image by Knotan.
T-post web 2.1
Today we've been going through the first drafts of the new design. There's going to be a lot of new cool stuff on the site making it a lot more interactive.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
T-post web 2.0
After boiling down about 1 million ideas to someting more manageable, we've now finnaly put togheter the structure of our new site. It feels fantastic to finnaly see it slowly come together.
Issue #43 in the Making
Just got the first issue from the printer. It looks fantastic!
We had some initial problems getting the colours right, but now when we have it's probably going to be our best issue to date. ;-)
We had some initial problems getting the colours right, but now when we have it's probably going to be our best issue to date. ;-)

We've just spent the whole weekend re-shooting all our back-issues. This time with actual subscribers modeling every single one of them. What better way to show our issues then by having the ones using them, model them.
A great thanks to all of the subscribers making it from Spain, Finland and Boden to Stockholm to help us realize this long time dream of ours. The hat is off for you!
Image by Knotan.
T-post on Sundance!

The brilliant filmmaker Patrik Eklund approached me some time ago and wanted to put a few of our issues in a short-film that he was working on. It was now selected to be shown at Sundance Film Festival in January. Check out the trailer: INSTEAD OF ABRACADABRA
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